What I'm Doing Now

This is my now page, which lists what I’m thinking and working on right now. If you are not familiar with now pages, consider creating one.

Updated Jan 5th, 2025 from Amsterdam.

Contributing to Red Knot Python Type Checker #

Initially I wanted to build my own type checker. After some time I found out about red knot that is another work in progress python type checker. Since developing a type checker for python is a lot of work I decided to dedicate my effort to contribute to this project.

Got a 3D Printer #

I bought a 3D printer. I printed prepared models and it’s pretty cool. Now I’m trying to learn how to design my own models.

Gardening #

Winter has come and plants are preserving their energy. I’m waiting for Sprint to plant new stuff.

I’m practicing growing plants in my apartment both for decoration and consumption. This is another step to be a little bit more independent.

I have 20+ pots, and I’m harvesting herbs. It feels good to make food with my own herbs. I got a gardening pot and going to fill that with soil on the balcony and grew larger plants.

Looking for Something New #

I’m looking for a problem to solve something that occupies my mind and give me energy every day I wake up. I’m solving codecrafters.io challenges right now. It might inspire me to do something different.